

our ingredients to an epic learning tool

our ingredients to an epic learning tool

  1. active learning is better than passive learning

  1. active learning is better than passive learning

  1. consistency is more important than perfection

  1. consistency is more important than perfection

  1. understanding >> memorizing

  1. a quality learning loop follows the model of Deliberate Practice:

a. Take action

b. Get feedback that identifies your understanding gap

c. Learn so you can close the gap

d. Take action again that integrates your learning

a. Take action

b. Get feedback that identifies your understanding gap

c. Learn so you can close the gap

d. Take action again that integrates your learning

  1. have fun and be curious!!

🪄 the wizards behind jungle

🪄 the wizards behind jungle

Julian Alvarez

CEO, co-founder

David Glass

CPO, co-founder

Alexis Luzzi

Creator Program Lead

Bansini Doshi

Creative Lead

Darshil Dhameliya

AI Engineer

Esther Yang


Juan Pablo Lozano


Benjamin Keep

Learning Science Advisor