



Learn more, faster with AI-powered flashcards that give you personalized feedback

Learn more, faster with AI-powered flashcards that give you personalized feedback

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Works where you learn

Works where you learn

Works where you learn

Get smart flashcards created for you wherever to go so you can retain and understand what you consume


Study guides


Slide decks

Research papers


Online Books



Study Channels


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What other students have to say…

What other students have to say…

What other students have to say…

I used to spend sooo many hours making flashcards, but this tool changed everything! I can cover more material in less time and find myself feeling more confident going into my exams

Jessica L.

Second-year medical student at University of Illinois

Before Wisdolia, I felt overwhelmed with the amount of material I needed to learn for my exams. But now my learning process feels way more simplified and effective 🤓

Monty B.

First-year medical student at university of Nevada

I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my learning and grades, and this tool met my high expectations. It feels like having a mini personal tutor!

Brenda T.

Sophomore Biology student at New York University

🤝 Flashcards meet personalized tutoring

🤝 Flashcards meet personalized tutoring

🤝 Flashcards meet personalized tutoring

Improve your study routine and learn faster by getting feedback for every question you answer on Wisdolia:

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What you got wrong

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Frequently Asked Questions 👀

Frequently Asked Questions 👀

🌎 What languages does Wisdolia work in?

Wisdolia can read and make cards in any language! Whatever language you feed it will determine the language your flashcards will be outputted in.

🗂 Can I save the cards for later?

Yes! You can save your cards to Wisdolia or to the spaced repetition platform Anki

🛟 Can I export the cards to Anki?

Yes! You can choose to save your cards to Wisdolia or to the spaced repetition platform Anki

📑 What types of content does Wisdolia work on?

YouTube videos, PDFs, slide decks, articles, online textbooks

😲 Are there more windows or doors on Earth?

Hrrmmm... you tell me



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