

From PowerPoint to flashcards in seconds

Go from PowerPoint to flashcards in seconds with Wisdolia's PowerPoint to flashcards feature
Go from PowerPoint to flashcards in seconds with Wisdolia's PowerPoint to flashcards feature

April 4th, 2024

What if you could use AI to turn your PowerPoints to flashcards instantly?

Almost all of my professors teach their lectures with PowerPoints. And I was tired of mindlessly reading over my slide decks and forgetting everything. So I made Wisdolia!

You can upload your PowerPoint and get tons of high quality AI generated flashcards so you can spend less time making your flashcards, and more time actually studying them.

  1. Get your PowerPoint, lol.

  2. Upload it on www.wisdolia.com

  3. And wham! You have your questions

I thought it would be really helpful if your flashcards could give you feedback as you learned. That way you can enter a positive learning loop until you have a full understanding. Here's how this happens on Wisdolia:

  1. Write out your answers to test your understanding

  2. Get feedback to identify what you don’t understand

  3. Try again and implement what you learned

Psychologist, Anders Ericsson’s research, on deliberate practice shows the profound effects of taking action and learning from those actions. He also shows how much growth can stagnate if you take action without learning from it. One example he references in a 2005 study he did is how tennis players who played consistently for 20 years did not improve after their initial phase of beginner tennis:

“For example, if someone misses a backhand volley during a tennis game, there may be a long time before the same person gets another chance at that same type of shot. When the chance finally comes, they are not prepared… In contrast, a tennis coach can give tennis players repeated opportunities to hit backhand volleys that are progressively more challenging and eventually integrated into representative match play.”

Practicing the right thing and getting feedback on it, is the way to continual growth in sport and in learning.

Going from PowerPoint to flashcards in seconds can let you spend more time on the right form of practice. And Wisdolia’s feedback system can make sure you’re always improving. Give it a shot and let us know what you think! And if you want tips on how to quiz yourself on diagrams and images checkout our breakdown on how you can transform your images into quiz questions.