

How to improve your active recall practice with AI

Improving Your Active Recall with AI

There is no one way to practice active recall. What’s important is finding a method that works for you. Active recall is great, but only when you practice it consistently with the help of an artificial intelligence powered tool will you get the exponential results you’re looking for. Even just a few questions each day can make a huge difference in your long term retention.

It’s the process of trying to find the information in your brain that results in the stickier long term knowledge retention. That process of trying to retrieve the info is referred to as a desirable difficulty. Desirable difficulties result in increased learnings. Undesirable difficulties just result in wasted time. Learning to differentiate the two is important in building a great study routine.

Flashcards and practice tests

The core of any active recall practice is a cue + recall. Flashcards and practice tests do this through questions. The annoying part though is that the questions don’t just come out of thin air. Either you have to spend an hour combing through your notes or lecture slides to turn them into questions and flashcards, or you have to scour the internet looking for questions someone else made and hoping they align enough with your exact need.

An AI tutoring assistant can provide 24/7 guidance and support, making it easier to generate relevant questions and flashcards tailored to your learning needs.

But now with AI, you actually can summon relevant flashcards out of thin air. With tools like Wisdolia all you have to do is upload your lecture slides or notes, and then it will make tons of questions for you.

Feedback to accelerate your learning process

Once you have tried to recall something and failed or got it wrong, what do you do next? 

A normal flashcard practice would say, “Don’t worry about it. If you keep coming back and trying the flashcard again in 20 minutes or in a few days, you will eventually get it nailed down.”

This is the brute force method. To learn way faster you would instead want to get personalized feedback each time you answered a question to know not just that your answer was wrong, but why it was wrong. When you learn the why behind your mistakes and the truth, the lessons are much sticker and it takes less repetitions to reach the same memory retention.

These learning principles are often called deliberate practice and timely feedback.

Deliberate practice

An active recall AI tool to up your skills

With Wisdolia, you just upload any document you are trying to learn from. And bam! It'll give you a learning process full of active recall techniques and study materials to help build your understanding.

  1. First you will get multiple choice questions, which are not active recall, but rather active recognition. This will help you build some momentum in your study session.

  2. Then you will get smart flashcards. As you provide written responses to answer the questions, you will get instant feedback on your answer to tell you which part of your answer might have been wrong and why.

  3. Last you'll get case scenario questions to try and apply your knowledge to real-life like stories.

Spaced repetition based on your performance

Incorrect answers will re-appear soon on your next spaced repetition review that is given to you each day. A correct answer on the other hand won't re-appear for more time.

Knowing effective active recall techniques is one thing, actually practicing them in another

Many of you may already know the benefits of things like active recall and spaced repetition. The hard part is that it is so much easier and more convenient to re-read your notes, than it is to consistently create your own Anki cards from scratch for practice testing.

An AI powered tool is epic for being able to transform any learning material into active recall in an interactive study tool. But, it's only cool if it can actually work well and make quality practice questions.

A targeted learning experience that's great for students and for lifelong learners

Being able to instantly make active learning material is obviously great for students, but it can be awesome for lifelong learners too. I've personally been inputting chapters from the book I'm reading for fun on trees, and I've been able to remember wayy more than I normally would.

Online Talk with Tristan Gooley: How to Read a Tree – Gilbert Whites House

ai tutoring assistant

An innovative tool to get rid of all your time wasted on flashcard creation and optimize study time. You can go ahead and upload any lecture slides, notes, or YouTube video you have for free to get flashcards and quiz questions instantly made for you.
