

From pdf to flashcards in seconds

Go from PDF to flashcards in seconds with Wisdolia's PDF to flashcards feature
Go from PDF to flashcards in seconds with Wisdolia's PDF to flashcards feature

November 14th, 2023

What if you could use AI to transform your pdf to flashcards instantly?

PDFs are lowkey underrated. So much of your classwork and knowledge ends up as a pdf:

  • Slide decks

  • Study guides

  • Research papers

  • Notes

Let me show you how with Wisdolia you can make AI generated flashcards from your pdf's so you can spend less time making your study materials, and more time actually studying.

Flashcard creation on easy mode ❤️

1. Get your pdf, lol. It can be any type of knowledge as long as it's a PDF.

2. Upload it on www.wisdolia.com

3. Choose how many flashcards you want

4. Choose if there are any diagrams in the pdf that you want to be quizzed on with image occlusion

5. And wham! You have your questions

6. When you come back next time you'll have a spaced repetition review ready for you based on what's the highest priority to review next.

What are you waiting for? Upload any pdf file or PowerPoint here and get tons of free flashcards.

Now you can enter a positive learning loop until you have a full understanding. Here's how this levels up your learning:

  1. Write out your answers to test your understanding

  2. Get feedback to identify what you don't understand

  3. Try again and implement what you learned

These smart flashcards go way beyond the power of Anki flashcards, but if you do need to, we have an easy export to Anki feature.

Psychologist, Anders Ericsson's research, on deliberate practice shows the profound effects of taking action and learning from those actions. He also shows how much growth can stagnate if you take action without learning from it. One example he references in a 2005 study he did is how tennis players who played consistently for 20 years did not improve after their initial phase of beginner tennis:

“For example, if someone misses a backhand volley during a tennis game, there may be a long time before the same person gets another chance at that same type of shot. When the chance finally comes, they are not prepared… In contrast, a tennis coach can give tennis players repeated opportunities to hit backhand volleys that are progressively more challenging and eventually integrated into representative match play.”

Practicing the right thing and getting feedback on it, is the way to continual growth in sport and in learning.

From pdf to flashcards in seconds - Wisdolia – Create flashcards in seconds, not hours

What if you could use AI to transform your pdf to flashcards instantly?

PDFs are lowkey underrated. So much of your classwork and knowledge ends up as a pdf:

  • Slide decks

  • Study guides

  • Research papers

  • Notes

Let me show you how with Wisdolia you can make AI generated flashcards from your pdf's so you can spend less time making your study materials, and more time actually studying.

Flashcard creation on easy mode ❤️

1. Get your pdf, lol. It can be any type of knowledge as long as it's a PDF.

2. Upload it on www.wisdolia.com

3. Choose how many flashcards you want

4. Choose if there are any diagrams in the pdf that you want to be quizzed on with image occlusion

5. And wham! You have your questions

6. When you come back next time you'll have a spaced repetition review ready for you based on what's the highest priority to review next.

What are you waiting for? Upload any pdf file or PowerPoint here and get tons of free flashcards.

Now you can enter a positive learning loop until you have a full understanding. Here's how this levels up your learning:

  1. Write out your answers to test your understanding

  2. Get feedback to identify what you don't understand

  3. Try again and implement what you learned

These smart flashcards go way beyond the power of Anki flashcards, but if you do need to, we have an easy export to Anki feature.

Psychologist, Anders Ericsson's research, on deliberate practice shows the profound effects of taking action and learning from those actions. He also shows how much growth can stagnate if you take action without learning from it. One example he references in a 2005 study he did is how tennis players who played consistently for 20 years did not improve after their initial phase of beginner tennis:

“For example, if someone misses a backhand volley during a tennis game, there may be a long time before the same person gets another chance at that same type of shot. When the chance finally comes, they are not prepared… In contrast, a tennis coach can give tennis players repeated opportunities to hit backhand volleys that are progressively more challenging and eventually integrated into representative match play.”

Practicing the right thing and getting feedback on it, is the way to continual growth in sport and in learning.

If I create flashcards manually, won't I learn more though?

Writing out a physical flashcard

Everything exists on a spectrum. Writing out your own flashcards and study materials does help you ingrain some of the material in the process, as this study shows. By writing out your own cards you get the benefits of:

  • Dual Coding — involving multiple senses in the learning process. In this case, touch and visual.

  • Synthesis — having to apply your brain to figure out what you should make the flashcard about

But, it's all relative. And even though writing out your own flashcards has a positive effect, the opportunity cost is too high and so it's just not always worth it.

If you spend 1 hour doing your own flashcard creation, then that's an hour that you could have instead spent doing recall and testing practice which have consistently been shown to have huge effects on knowledge retention and exam readiness.

The other issue is the way that creating your own flashcards or anki cards scales as you get more and more content. If you only have to make 20 flashcards once a week, then maybe the cost is small. But if you have to make 50 or 100 cards, and you have multiple classes you need to do it for, and you have to do it multiple time per week, then who in the world wants to spend so many hours each week just making the flashcards.

You end up with no free time left to study the flashcards you made.

You lose the ability to go your own pace, because you're always playing catch up as the professor gives the next lecture.

Converting pdfs to flashcards leaves more time for spaced repetition

Another reason it's important to get through the process of creating your flashcards more quickly is that after recall and the testing effect, spaced repetition is one of the next biggest contributors to how much knowledge you retain.

You forget stuff over time. That's natural. But when we study the material again, we restore the knowledge and slow down the forgetting curve for next time. Wisdolia has a spaced repetition system to give you a daily review session designed to combat that forgetting curve for the flashcards that are the biggest priority to study next.

What Is The Forgetting Curve (And How Do You Combat It)? - eLearning  IndustryWhat Is The Forgetting Curve (And How Do You Combat It)? - eLearning  Industry

Generate your flashcards from any pdf or online textbooks in seconds and start learning faster than ever

When you transform pdfs to flashcards in seconds with Wisdolia's AI you can spend more time on the study techniques that will really make a difference for your exams. And Wisdolia's feedback system can make sure you're always improving every time you study. There's a lot of AI study tools and flashcard apps out there, but this one is dead simple to use to instantly boost your study routine. So give it a shot to create flashcards from your pdf (or any study material) and let us know what you think! And if you want tips on how to quiz yourself on diagrams and images checkout our breakdown on it.